ガンは癌にあらず --春ウコン免疫賦活剤が制する成人病--

付1 Natureへの投稿原稿

【Nature への投稿原稿】

arttitle> Curative Effect of Curucuma aromatica on Cancers and Diabetes

aug> Yoshinari Matsui1, Tatsuaki Kasubuchi2

aff> 1Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University, Yonezawa 992-8510, Japan
2 Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Tsuruoka 997-8555, Japan.

abs> It must be inconceivable that cancer and diabetes can easily become better with oral administration of the rhizome of a plant. But we have the cases which we could hardly ignore and also led the suppositions to causes of cancer and diabetes. The plant which would be a key is “Curcuma aromatica SALISBURY”. Rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa) or its principal constituent(curcumine) has been examined about the pharmacological actions such as pancreatic cancer, multiple myeloma, Alzheimer's, and colorectal cancer (1). However, the actions of wild turmeric (Curcuma aromatica SALISBURY, “Haru-ukon” in Japanese) which has different constituents and other properties from turmeric (2, 3) have not been so interested though the both plants belong to the same family Zingiberaceae. The oral administration of grinded rhizome of wild turmeric or its dry powder cured not only cancers but also diabetes, MSRA, herpes and so on. Here we show the progresses and that these were caused by the enhancement of immune system due to the multi-sites reaction through multi-constituents of wild turmeric. This was considered from that the optimum dose existed. Furthermore, theses suggested that cancers and diabetes may be infectious. This was considered from that other infectious diseases were cured as well. These pathogens as the foreign-bodies might be viroids-like materials, i.e. naked RNA or DNA (4, 5, 6). We estimated that these viroids-like materials had already been found but only had not been recognized as these. This view will open the new realm for the medical cure and medical-biological sciences.


23rd April 2007

Dear Professor Matsuii

Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "Curative effect of curucuma aromatica on cancers and diabetes", which we must decline on editorial grounds.

It is Nature's policy to decline a substantial proportion of manuscripts without sending them to referees, so that they may be sent elsewhere without delay. Such decisions are made by the editorial staff when it appears that papers are unlikely to succeed in the competition for limited space.

In the present case, while we have no doubt that your findings will be of interest to others in the field, I regret to say that we are not persuaded that your findings represent a sufficiently outstanding scientific advance to justify publication in Nature. In particular, we note the absence of a much larger and controlled clinical study which we feel would be necessary to substantiate the conclusions drawn.

I am sorry that we cannot be more positive on this occasion.

Yours sincerely

Barbara Marte
Dr Barbara Marte
Senior Editor, Nature

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